Personal Finance & Wealth Management

Fraud Prevention
Learn more about common ways businesses get scammed and some methods to combat them from RockPointBank.

Optimizing Your Financial Resource Efficiency
Learn more about how to optimize your financial resource efficiency with a Treasury Management Specialist.

Tapping Into Your Home Equity
Home repairs and renovations. Family vacations. Weddings or other celebrations. Emergency expenses. Learn how you can tap into your home equity to cover unexpected exepnses.Banking & Financial Services

What Does Local Banking Mean To You?
RockPointBank was created specifically to address that open space in the Chattanooga market. With a focus on local businesses and professionals, we provide personalized service and support while contributing to the spirit of this amazing community.

Banking Changes to a Local Focus
With continued consolidation, there is a shift occurring in the way people approach banking. While some assume individuals and companies would gravitate to larger institutions, recent trends show the opposite.

What Small Business Owners Should Know about NEW Beneficial Ownership Reporting Requirements
Chattanooga has a thriving small business community and we at RockPointBank want to ensure the continued success of our local economy. This includes alerting you to new regulations and business filing requirements.

RockPointBank Meets Your Needs Better Than They Do (Just Ask the FDIC)
So you are considering a small business loan but are concerned about the terms. You have a vision for your business, a set of goals to accomplish, and an understanding of how and why you fit into the growth of Chattanooga. The only problem is, a Big Bank has decided to put you in a box and keep you there.

Why Adaptive Banking is Necessary in Today’s Rapidly Changing Market
No two people are the same so why should they be expected to bank the same way? Over the last few years we’ve seen multiple large banks encourage their customers to do their banking business in a way that suits the desires of the Big Bank, but not necessarily the needs of the customer.
Real Estate & Housing Market

Tapping Into Your Home Equity
Home repairs and renovations. Family vacations. Weddings or other celebrations. Emergency expenses. Learn how you can tap into your home equity to cover unexpected expenses.

What To Know About New Real Estate Agent Commission Fee changes
Purchasing a home is a complicated process and that’s why we recommend coming in to speak with us directly. We exist to serve our communities well.
Local Economic Development

Banking Changes to a Local Focus
With continued consolidation, there is a shift occurring in the way people approach banking. While some assume individuals and companies would gravitate to larger institutions, recent trends show the opposite.

Transformative Growth in the Scenic City
When we founded RockPointBank, we already believed in Chattanooga, but the volume and velocity of the growth in the Scenic City over the last few years has been breathtaking at times.

Our Year in Review
It has been a wonderful year of growth for Chattanooga and we are honored to be a part of it. From the consolidation of big banks to new developments around town, our city has gone
through new and exciting changes and we can’t help but be proud of all that we have accomplished together.
through new and exciting changes and we can’t help but be proud of all that we have accomplished together.